War  |  Memory  |  Gratitude


2021 Gordon Graham Prize for Naga Literature
The Gordon Graham Prize for Naga Literature is awarded annually in recognition of the knowledge-keepers…
KET Scholarships 2021
Once again, Covid-19 restrictions affected our plans to hold the annual Scholarship ceremony this year…
Publications - The Road to Kohima
UK book publication of "The Road to Kohima" by Charles Chasie & Harry Fecitt MBE, TD August 2020
Mind Your Health 2020
KES Chairman Dr P Ngully conducted another programme of workshops in a remote area of Nagaland called…
Writers' Workshops in Kohima 2019
Part of the work we support, and which is arranged by our sister organisation in Kohima is the new venture…
2019 Gordon Graham Prize for Naga Literature
The winners of the 2nd annual Gordon Graham Prize for Naga Literature - in recognition of the knowledge-keepers…
Dictionaries for Schools
Find out more about the support offered to schools by the Kohima Educational Trust.
Gordon Graham Prize for Naga Literature - Winners
This award for the knowledge- keepers and idea-givers of Naga society was launched in 2018. In its inaugural…
Mind your health 2019
Our Chairman Dr P Ngully held a further Mind Your Health programme in Tuensang, a town north east of…
Opening of the KET hostel at Pangsha
After almost five years in the building the hostel at Pangsha on the Indo/Myanmar border is at last complete…
Our most recent fundraising projects

Consider donating a KET scholarship